
I'm Vamshi Krishna.

a programmer.

clouds mountains
Vamshi Krishna


I'm a Creator, and Technology Enthusiast. I ❤️ cofee and playing video games.

My projects

This are some of my projects. Feel free to check it out 🤗

    🎮 Simon Game
    ⌚ stop-watch
    🌦️ Weather-app
    🥁 Drum kit
    🐶 TinDog
    🎲Random Dicee
    🧮 Tip Calculator
    👾 Px-Rem-Px-Converter
    rock✊ paper✋ scissors✌️ 🙍🏻‍♂️ Vs 🤖

My Skills.

K Vamshi Krishna

Web Developer

I enjoy creating, thinking and technology and learning new technologies. I enjoying pursuing more creative endeavours like photography, video editing, digital arts.

K Vamshi Krishna


Outside of work I love creating, primarily through the mediums of videos, web pages. I use my Instagram as a medium of share all my digita art.

Get In Touch

"Let's chat about your next big idea!"

Whether you have a project in mind or just want to say "hi!", I'd love to hear from you. Don't be a stranger! Let's connect.

LinkedIn Twitter Website Instagram

© 2023 Vamshi Krishna.K @

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